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Smart Cities Data Streams Integration: experimenting with Internet of Things and social data flows." In WIMS, edited by Rajendra Akerkar, Nick Bassiliades, John Davies and Vadim Ermolayev, 60. ACM, 2014.
"Social Data Sentiment Analysis in Smart Environments - Extending Dual Polarities for Crowd Pulse Capturing." In DATA, edited by Markus Helfert, Chiara Francalanci and Joaquim Filipe, 175-182. SciTePress, 2013.
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Sensors talk and humans sense Towards a reciprocal collective awareness smart city framework." In ICC Workshops, 189-193. IEEE, 2013.
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Social networking trends and dynamics detection via a cloud-based framework design." In WWW (Companion Volume), edited by Alain Mille, Fabien L. Gandon, Jacques Misselis, Michael Rabinovich and Steffen Staab, 1213-1220. ACM, 2012.
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Evolving social data mining and affective analysis methodologies, framework and applications." In IDEAS, edited by Bipin C. Desai, Jaroslav Pokorny and Jorge Bernardino, 1-7. ACM, 2012.
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New Directions in Web Data Management 1 In New Directions in Web Data Management 1, Edited by Athena Vakali and Lakhmi C. Jain. Vol. 331. Studies in Computational Intelligence 331., 2011.
Innovations and Trends in Web Data Management." In New Directions in Web Data Management 1, edited by Athena Vakali and Lakhmi C. Jain, 1-18. Vol. 331. Studies in Computational Intelligence 331., 2011.
" "Access Control Policy Languages." In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, edited by Ling Liu and Tamer M. Ozsu, 15-18. Springer US, 2009.
"Security Services." In Encyclopedia of Database Systems, edited by Ling Liu and Tamer M. Ozsu, 2546-2547. Springer US, 2009.
"XML Data Stores: Emerging Practices." IEEE Internet Computing 9 (2005): 62-69.
"MPEG-7 based description schemes for multi-level video content classification." Image Vision Comput. 22 (2004): 367-378.
"An Overview of Web Data Clustering Practices." In EDBT Workshops, edited by Wolfgang Lindner, Marco Mesiti, Can Türker, Yannis Tzitzikas and Athena Vakali, 597-606. Vol. 3268. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3268. Springer, 2004.
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Hierarchical data placement for navigational multimedia applications." Data Knowl. Eng. 44 (2003): 49-80.
"Content Delivery Networks: Status and Trends." IEEE Internet Computing 7 (2003): 68-74.
"Video data storage policies: an access frequency based approach." Computers & Electrical Engineering 28 (2002): 447-464.
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Evolutionary Techniques for Web Caching." Distributed and Parallel Databases 11 (2002): 93-116.
"Proxy Cache Replacement Algorithms: A History-Based Approach." World Wide Web 4 (2001): 277-298.
"Multimedia Data Storage and Representation Issues on Tertiary Storage Subssystems: An Overview." Operating Systems Review 35 (2001): 61-77.
"A feedback-based model for I/O servicing." Computers & Electrical Engineering 27 (2001): 309-322.
"Internet based auctions: a survey on models and applications." SIGecom Exchanges 2 (2001): 6-15.
"A QoS based disk subsystem." In Computers and Their Applications, edited by C. C. Hung, 409-412. ISCA, 2001.
"A New Approach to the Design of High Performance Multiple Disk Subsystems: Dynamic Load Balancing Schemes." In HPCN Europe, edited by Marian Bubak, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Roy Williams and Louis O. Hertzberger, 610-613. Vol. 1823. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1823. Springer, 2000.
"LRU-based Algorithms for Web Cache Replacement." In EC-Web, edited by Kurt Bauknecht, Sanjay Kumar Madria and Günther Pernul, 409-418. Vol. 1875. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1875. Springer, 2000.
"Data block prefetching and caching in a hierarchical storage model." Inf. Sci. 128 (2000): 19-41.